Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Genoa Village Honors Faithful Dogs in Annual August Ceremony

For the dog lovers amongst us
Genoa Village Honors Faithful Dogs in Annual August Ceremony
Camogli beach
Since 1962, man’s best friend has been honored in San Rocco di Camogli every 16 August. The small town near Genoa has been celebrating doggie loyalty for nearly 50 years.
The tradition in San Rocco was born from the faithfulness of a famous dog named Pucci. Pucci found his way to San Rocco after being abandoned by his owners. Every morning for ten years, the pup would wait in front of the church for children on their way to school.
After accompanying them to class, Pucci the dog would wait for them to be released for recreation hour to play and eat whatever food they offered. He would then walk them back from school to church.
Inspired by the loyalty of the dog, Giacinto Crescini came up with the idea of starting a Dog Loyalty Award, tying the honor to the feast of San Rocco, patron saint of the village and, coincidentally, the protector of dogs.
Since the first award that went to Pucci in 1962, many memorable dogs have been recognized. Perhaps the most incredible story of loyalty is attributed to Ares the Doberman, who led helpers back to his owner when the man became trapped under a collapsed gate.
The Minister of Tourism, Michela Vittoria Brambilla, is expected to attend today's canine festivities.

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