Thursday, January 20, 2011

INSPIRATIONAL MARK KELLAND - Arte Umbria can't wait to see you in April !!!

Great demonstration painting by Mark to start some classes off this week . . .
. . . which then inspired the students to produce all these !

Now Mark can't wait to get out to Umbria and impart his skills to our students and to ME TOO PLEASE ! He's so talented - how does he make it seem so EASY !!!!!??? 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Doing a 'Rolf Harris' !

Ursula, one of our tutors, got her students to do a `Rolf Harris' . Rolf Harris, together with 150 artists, who each painted a section of John Constable's 'The Haywain'. Ursula had around 20 students but thought she'd give it go !  Each student painted a section, drawn out at random, and then it was all put together, to form their 'take' on the painting by Tissot of Maidenhead Bridge. They then repeated the VERY SUCCESSFUL workshop by painting  `Boulters Lock' by Edward Gregory in watercolour.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Follow us on our Blog

Follow us on our blog to find out all the latest news of courses, weather, food et all !

Tonight's Treat !

Ricotta and Fig fresh ice cream !

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oh ! AND delicious home made bread !

Dreamy Food

Joy, our chef for the painting courses is over trying out new recipes. So far new style truffle omelette, and delicious pork with wilted spinach, parmesan and nutmeg  ! Delicious !

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dusk and sunset from the terrace with Castel di Fiori in the distance

Trails and Waterfalls

Another beautiful day here today. Blue skies as you can see from the photos, and quite warm 17 degrees - considering it's not even mid January.

Photos of the signs leading to our some of our many Trails and Waterfalls. Painters and guests can explore, find some 'private time', take a picnic or just relax under a pergola with a glass of local vino !

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ursula Sykes

Ursula, one of our tutors, teaches all mediums, but she loves the challenge of botanical painting. The beautiful 'Iris' above a typical example of her work. Always encouraging and motivational, Ursula aims to help students achieve their own style of painting/drawing/pastel.

New Exhibition for Andy James at the Mall Galleries

Andy will be showing one of his paintings in a exhibition at the Mall Galleries this year.  Celebrating the 50th Year of the Federation of British Artists. His painting will be alongside artists such as Sickert, Orpen and Sargent !!! 

The painting he's showing is titled is 'Jose' 2007

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Andrew James

Andy will be giving a demonstration of his painting during the courses here at Arte Umbria during this Spring and Summer 2011.

Friday, January 7, 2011

La Locanda di Desideria

Just back from a delicious, typically Umbrian meal at a nearby restaurant we've been meaning to visit for ages. We didn't realise until today that it is owned and run by a man we know as he also works at our bank ! What a welcome we received from him. Very confusing as we thought he was a guest.  This is one of the restaurants we visit during the art courses. So today, with Guiglio we were planning the menus for our guests. I think I overdid it so now I need to go and lie down

Art Cunanan

Canadian artist Art Cunanan's seasonal painting. Another of our motivational tutors teaching at Arte Umbria this year.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mark Kelland

A painting of the recent snow in England by Mark Kelland, one of our inspirational tutors. Mark is the talented artist who painted the beautiful water colour of our house.

Epifania - Twelfth Night OR WHAT YOU WILL !

Holiday here today in Italy. Traditionally, the witch Befana brings the presents to the children tonight if they've been good !

Try this link for a modern take on the days leading up to today !

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Crisp January Day

Clear blue sky today but bit nippy - needed hat and scarf. Saw some deer in the early morning foraging about. Just beautiful. As it's clear tonight setting up the telescope with the camera to have a look at some nebulae.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The hunters were all around the estate today, looking for deer or boar. We hate it, but can do nothing about it - in Italy they can hunt anywhere that is not fenced. We kept the dogs in JUST IN CASE ! Thank goodness the season ends soon !

Season's Greetings and Happy New Year 2011 from Arte Umbria

Looking forward to meeting old friends and making new ones on our painting courses this year 2011.